This project is NOT a command line, It is a tool written in C++ that uses the FFmpeg library to overlay an image on top of a video. The tool takes as input a video file, an image file, and the output file name, and overlays the image on top of the video at a specified location and for a specified duration. watch the demo on youtube The tool uses the FFmpeg library to decode the video and image, and to encode the output video with the overlay. It also allows the user to specify the x and y coordinates of the top-left corner of the image, as well as the width and height of the image, in pixels. The tool can be used to add a logo or watermark to a video, or to add other types of visual overlays. To use the tool, the user needs to have FFmpeg installed on their system and available in the system's PATH. The user can then compile the C++ source code and run the resulting executable from the command line, specifying the necessary arguments. source code: